Thursday, October 20, 2011

Angry Birds

Welcome to the review of Angry Birds!
As you people should know, I'm a guy and I have internet. Well while I browsed the big internet I found some people talk about a game called "Angry Birds". Due to peer pressure, I bought it for VERY cheap(apparently 2 dollars in the US) and was very happy in buying it. This review is about the PC version. There are also Mac, iOS, Android, Zune and probably every other computer versions of this game out there...


Angry Birds has a short plot. There are some birds who have laid some eggs. While said birds are busy, some pigs get hungry and take their eggs and start to cook them on a fire. The birds get angry and they make a slingshot while the pigs are busy hiding in their abode. Nothing quite Final Fantasy-ish, but it's a quite unused plot, to my knowledge.


It's a rather normal physics game. You have a slingshot to the left, a level designed to the right with pigs in it. Your goal is to squish or hit the pigs. With what you, ask? Well with the pre-defined birds near the slingshot. Those birds can be different: average red birds(who are actually quite useless), blue birds that when you click on the screen, breed into three even smaller birds, yellow birds that when you click on the screen speed up and others. Once you kill all the pigs, you are rated on a three star scale on how you scored. Getting all the stars on each level is a little bit ambiguous, because there are around 150 levels, which is a lot considering the fact that the game ramps up the difficulty very quickly. The game also divides the levels into many different themes. A normal theme, underground theme and an old western theme. 


The sound of pigs grunting, birds flinging and wood/glass/stone breaking is filling a bit of the quietness, even though the game lacks in-game music. The menu theme is very good though.


The graphics are very cartoony. Nothing standing out much about the graphics except the main menu when you could just easily daydream!


It's quite a good game. You also should have some playlist on because it can get quite lonely having no music. A insanely good way to procrastinate! If you don't have it and are quite short on money, you can even try it out on the google chrome store and the bazillion copies floating around on the internet.

Thanks to Hypertenzion for letting me use his video.

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